Discovering Lonnie Bee // My Favorite YouTuber

YouTube in current society

The YouTube fascination is slowly reaching this slightly older than millennial! Lonnie Bee is the first personality that I really connected with over social media.

From its humble beginnings to now offering a premium account that is charging for content (check out this series everyone is raving about….all my 80’s babies may love it), YouTube is staking its claim in our social media led world.

I knew it was a big thing several years ago when I asked my husband’s then 10-year-old cousin a question. When I asked her what she missed most from home (she was on a lengthy visit from Ireland) she said,

“I miss my YouTube channel”

Say what now?

As if SHE had ever lived in a time where the TV show you loved was on at the same time for everybody.

And if you missed it…you missed it!

No pause, record or DVR options!

AND The show was spoiled for you the next day because everyone was talking about it!

Youtube and Me

YouTube has gotten to me in a practical way! The plethora of how-to videos for everything from changing the battery in my front door lock to how to set up something I just bought has changed my life!

I still didn’t have a regular “you-tuber” that created content for mere pleasure….until I found Lonnie Bee!

My sister introduced me to him and from my first Facebook Live session, I was hooked!


Who Is Lonnie Bee?

Just the sight of his face and the sound of his laugh lifts up my heart! He is extremely expressive!!

Lonnie is equal parts Wendy Williams and Kat Williams sweetened with some Iyanla Vanzant! This funny guy has a way with words, and gives you the gossip in a most delightful manner!

Like olives, you will either love him or not get it.

And you will know right away!

Lonnie Bee is very gay, curses a lot and has the kind of gossipy conversations no one wants to admit to having!

Unlike olives, I want to be his best friend!!

And that is the exact feeling he evokes from his in-home studio to every single person watching him do his thing!

Lonnie Bee & His Following

In a 6-year time span, he has amassed a cult following of fans that tune in to his weekly broadcasts, buy his merchandise and happily stand in line to attend live shows all over the United States.

I am astounded by this accomplishment, especially as I begin this venture, not knowing if anyone is out there reading!

He is currently boasting over 56,000 subscribers to his channel, and 11,000 followers on Facebook.

Last week, his tour made a stop in Orlando Florida.

And I had the chance to see Lonnie Bee live on stage!

What a show it was! My sister drove in and we made a staycation of it and got a room on International Drive.

We stayed at The Castle, An Autograph Collection in the Marriott brand.

(The one that actually looks like a castle)

I always thought it would be cheesy on the inside because the outside was so ostentatious. But it’s actually quite luxurious and is in the perfect location on I-Drive.

Check out these appetizers we ordered from the lobby bar. They were perfection!

The Lonnie Bee Show

The event venue was new to me. Marshall Ellis Dance Studio had a wonderfully intimate stage setup. Located near the Florida Mall, I imagine it’s convenient to most Orlando residents. If I had to guess at occupancy, I would say around 120 – 200 people. I’m not sure if it is available to the public for event rental, but if so, it would be on my list! It is always great to find a new venue in Orlando!

We, unfortunately, missed his grand entrance. The ticket really never said the start time of the show, only what time doors open…7: 00 pm.

However, I had a class to attend that day, and 7:45 pm was the soonest I could make it anyway.


Chandra Says…

Get there at the time listed for doors open. The social media team seems to love taking footage or go FB live from the fans in line waiting for their Lonnie Bee Experience.


We didn’t seem to have missed much. So I would say he came on around 7:30 that night.

Every moment he was on the stage, he was alive and energetic. I love an entertainer that uses his whole body, like Richard Pryor or Jim Carrey. My sister and I connect in so many ways with this funny trailblazer!

No Spoilers Here!

I don’t want to ruin the show for anyone who is patiently waiting for his or her turn! But just know, you are in for a show!!

One thing that none of his fans will be surprised about is that he opens his heart and really connects with the audience. He has had some terrible personal moments buoyed by great ones recently and he is doing okay.

He uses backup dancers to accentuate his point…and they are ON POINT! They really did put on a great show that lasted around 90 minutes!

Chandra Says…

At the very end, he loves to take pictures with anyone who wishes. It was quite a long line and cluster at the end of the show to get there. Make sure to sit on the side of the room closest to the exit or wherever it looks like the photos will be taken to get out fastest! (It’s usually the vinyl photo background covered in logos) However, the event planner in me wished for group numbers to be given upon entry (similar to Southwest Airlines boarding procedures) to save our feet from standing around in our seldom used heels. It wasn’t a super long wait, but the audience is at a good point to handle such a system. And a lot of us are fluffy girls trying to be cute! LOL

What to Wear

Come to think of it…my sister and I wished we hadn’t even worn heels! In case you were wondering what to wear, everyone was in all levels of dress. From t-shirts and shorts to sexy club gear, people came in what made them happy! So it really doesn’t matter. Whatever makes you feel like your best self!

If you ever get the chance to see someone in person that you love, take it! Whether it’s an author, a local politician (I for one have a slight obsession with Anna Eskimani) or your favorite YouTuber, being in the room with someone who gives you good vibes can never be a bad thing!

Becoming Internet famous can be a fortuitous turn of events or someone’s downfall. Either way, it is an increasingly popular and reachable goal for most people. For Lonnie Bee, I hope it’s the beginning of a beautiful on-air friendship.


Have you given thought to starting a YouTube channel and persona?

Is there someone on YouTube or Instagram that you can’t live without?

Turn me on to something new in the comments below!

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Chandra Says: Girl, Get Going!

2 Replies to “Discovering Lonnie Bee // My Favorite YouTuber”

  1. You need to check out the YouTube web series nightlife and the online radio station Road to stardom radio

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