It’s Iowa Caucus Day
It’s Iowa Caucus day and I woke up with all the excitement of Christmas morning.
Went down early to grab breakfast and head back to my room.
And BAM, Katty Kay from the BBC is in my breakfast area!
Still sporting morning breath and sleep in my eyes, I did not approach……but OMG
I have a feeling this is going to be one amazing few days.
I walked down to get my Iowa caucus media credentials and learned that they are no longer valid. Yesterday was the last day for open access, today I would have to purchase space. So never mind!
Meeting Iowans
I walked over to Java Joe’s where MSNBC was set up for the day. They have been streaming live from the Iowa Caucus 2020. I sat at a table with 2 Iowans and had a wonderful political conversation!
They had some interesting things to say about the process. One was in the Warren camp and the other in the Klobuchar camp (this one already has number 2 as Pete) This is the first year that there is only 1 realignment apparently, so this should make it go faster they said. Also if you pick a viable candidate the first time, you can’t switch camps.
Pete and Amy seem to be doing well with most of the people I spoke to due to their moderate political leaning. They are especially popular with the older slightly conservative crowd and with sensible Republicans.
Being in the Room with My Celebrities
Then all of a sudden I was in a line to meet and greet with Chris Matthews! WOW!

Upon my return at 2 pm for Katy Tur, I headed towards the front of the room hoping I was early enough to get a seat. An awesome Iowan named Emily called me right over to her and in the front row! We had a great time together. She was a precinct captain for Warren in the caucus located next to the one I was going to attend. She had such great insight and was extremely passionate about this process.
Thanks to her, I had a great seat to the newscast action. I was right behind, Katy Tur, Kasie Hunt, Chuck Todd, and Karine Jean-Pierre. Talk about smitten, they are the people I watch all day, every day!

Time to Go Caucus
After a brief rest, I headed to Drake University at 6 pm. In the Drake Fieldhouse, I watched the crowd grow to 402 before the meeting started about 10 minutes after 7 pm.

Political Tourism is a Thing Y’all!
Just as I sat down in the stands I met a great guy named Doug who was also from Florida. From West Palm Beach, he had been to several caucuses and loves every minute of it. At this point, I was introduced to the term political tourist. (I think I should trademark that!) There were so many of us, coming from out of town to observe this gem of democracy. People from New York, Connecticut, California, and Florida had been there for days volunteering for campaigns and attending rallies.
The room was full of students wearing campaign stickers, buttons and T-shirts and passion on their faces. It really brought tears to my eyes to see such devotion to the process by these young adults.
Chandra Says
OK, Boomers….y’all better stop discounting the youth! They are coming for what is theirs and they are serious. Ask Greta. None of this mess makes sense to them. Mark my words….The way we have always done things is about to be brought up for an Inquisition.
How the Iowa Caucus Works
Caucus itself was a lot of sit and wait. From the entrance, body count, first alignment and second alignment we sat and watched. The first alignment was clear.
Here are the numbers:
402 attendees
6 delegates to award
15% – the viability threshold that the campaigns would have to meet in order to stay alive [61 people]
Pete, Sanders, Warren were viable immediately.
Steyer, Bennet, and Bloomberg did not have any representatives show up for them at all.
Klobuchar, Biden, and Yang didn’t have enough people to be viable so they would have to realign.
The Realignment Period
During the 15 minute waiting period, there was some movement on the floor and raucous chanting from the groups.

They chanted and it was electric!
Warren: It’s Time! It’s Time! It’s time for a woman in the White House!
Pete: I-O-W-A President Pete all the way!
Sanders: Nothing Less!
Can you believe they got together to create a new group for…..wait for it……
Cory Booker
Yes, indeed, the same Cory Booker that has (sadly) already dropped out of the race.
Why? They wanted to make sure neither of the top 3 got the delegate.
Iowa Caucus Results
So the precinct I observed ended up distributing their delegates to Warren (2), Pete (2) and Sanders (1). And a wasted delegate to Booker.
My caucus precinct was extremely close to the Buttigieg campaign party so I followed the herd and went there. I was just going to be a fly on the wall because I was still so undecided.

Standing there amongst those exhausted and exhilarated Pete supporters I would hear the same thing over and over. He is hitting all the same nerves Obama did in 2008. I recall having those same tingles watching him speak in Des Moines this July, so I understand!
As I stood there, one of the campaign workers called me over to go stand on the stage behind Pete!
OMG, for real girl!?! YES!

Iowa Caucusgoers Usher in a New Era
That room was FULL of people who have been raised in a world of inclusivity.
They don’t care about a person being gay.
These kids have been raised with a Black male president and a Black first lady who defied all conventional thought of beauty and family.
This voting future already knows that a woman can do anything.
That realization was enough to bring me to tears.
I got to spend the last few moments of my Iowa Caucus experience cheering behind the illuminated figure of a man who just might have started a movement.

In my humble opinion, the delayed reporting of the results didn’t affect the momentum. The physicality of seeing the support for your candidate is what moves people. As much dismay as the Biden camp must have felt about the minimal bodies in their group, the Buttigieg camp must have felt the fortification that comes with so many bodies making a stand with you.
The fire started in that room and will spread to the next few primaries.
What a night!
Are you decided?
Chandra Says: Girl, Get Going!
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