How I Leaned In | Discovering Politics
I have been interested in discovering politics my entire young adult life. Updating my voter registration and library card are the first 2 things I do every time I move!
For years, I have been what I consider a spectator, learning and consuming political news and commentary like a nutrient. As I began discovering politics, I realized I’m really more interested in the political process.

Then 2016 happened. As shocked as I, and many others were, it was a wake-up call! After a period of mourning ( Okay, I wasn’t this bad, some people needed therapy dogs) in which I could not listen to any news or NPR for a while for fears of hearing the dreaded words…”President Trump”, I became activated.
Stop Watching, Start Doing
Like many regular Americans, I began to think…well if he can do it, so can I!
I began to back away from social media ‘conversations’ about politics. Those were obviously going nowhere fast. The fact that so many of my peers can spit out statistics of every player on a football team but couldn’t tell you their congressional district, boils my blood. Or that more people vote for American Idol than show up on voting day.
Chandra Says:
If you don’t know your congressional district, you can find out on Facebook! Find the ‘Town Hall’ service on your page and it will link you to all your local representatives, and public service pages. Super cool!
Discovering Politics | An Economic Awakening
The election of President Trump was not the only reason for my decision to begin discovering politics. I also began to really understand the implications of the economy and student loan debt. As I re-entered the workforce from a SAHM hiatus, I began to meet wonderful working young adults that still lived at home!
Say what now??
I have been hoping and dreaming and planning and waiting for the moment some semblance of my own personal life would return and the kids would move out. I mean, most of my generation couldn’t wait to bust out of the nest at 18! And now I find out that many, many young adults can’t move out!
Thanks to high rent, student loan debt, and/or credit issues my dream of an empty nest is being threatened.
By greedy politicians and the Wall Street machine- no less!
Discovering Politics | New Leaders Council
As I began to wake up to these realities, an organization called New Leaders Council came to my attention.
I wasn’t sure what I was applying for, interviewing for, or participating in for a long, long time. But something told me that this was something I needed to be part of. I’m so glad I listened to my inner voice.
My participation in this experience not only solidified my desire to get more involved in politics, but I also met so many amazing people that I now consider part of my tribe.

Chandra Says
I highly recommend getting involved in this organization near you and always listening to your inner voice!
A personal leadership development course, New Leaders Council is a public charity dedicated to educating a new generation of leaders and to providing those leaders with the tools they need to succeed. NLC does not support or oppose any candidate for public office and serves only as an educational leadership training ground.
One weekend a month, from January to June we met to learn, discuss and debate a wide variety of subjects in a workshop-style environment.

The highlight of this organization was attendance at a summer convention in Iowa! I was excited about this trip for several reasons.
1. It was a state I hadn’t been to yet.
2. I was going by myself. No husband. No kids.
3. Presidential hopefuls, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, and Julian Castro would be there for a town hall!
What exactly is caucus….And why does Iowa get all this attention?
So one of the best parts for me ended up being a great exercise where we learned about the Iowa Caucus. We had an exercise led by a political science professor at Drake University.
I was able to participate in a mock caucus! In order to understand the process, (This is a great 2-minute video that explains the caucus process. ) we rallied around popular causes such as Citizens United and term limits, not candidates.
What I ended up learning had me booking a flight for the very next Iowa caucus on February 3, 2020.
I Finally Know, Why Iowa!!
Here is another great short lesson for you.
Essentially….thanks to President Carter’s 1976 presidential run, Iowa became the place where new names and stale campaigns can build momentum.
What I left with was a desire to be in the room when this is happening IRL.
And I knew for a fact that 2020 was going to be an exciting and pivotal year, like this one!
I also learned that Nevada does a similar caucus after Iowa. I decided to go to Iowa to experience the first in the nation and to experience my first serious cold weather!
My First Presidential Town Hall
At this point, July 2019, very little of the general public are engaged in the presidential race for the Democratic nomination.
The town hall experience was amazing! I made sure to be in the room early for good seating. Questions were submitted to organizers weeks earlier. None of mine were selected, but it was very cool to see how they strategically place the questioners throughout the room.
The Candidates
The first to arrive was Pete Buttigieg. I knew little to nothing about him at that point except his rise was said to be Obama-esque. Once he entered the room, I got it. He is so polished and purposeful.
The next to speak was Julian Castro. As a native Texan, I am extremely proud of him and his story. I admire his tenacity in pulling up his chair to the table.

Cory Booker was last up.
Cory? Will you marry me? JK (Unless the answer is yes).
His enthusiasm and passion ignite something within me that is NOT lust.
I promise. But it’s close… it kinda feels the same! To hear him talk about real America with real solutions I can get behind stirs up my progressive heart!
He hung around forever to take selfies with everyone in line!
I seriously considered squeezing his behind and asking him to pass that on to the beautiful Rosario Dawson. But…security and all.
The Des Moines Farmers Market
The absolute best part of this weekend was the downtown farmers market. I was able to steal away during the breakfast break on Saturday and it was a feast for my eyes!
Kids, dogs, couples hand in hand, corn….this market had everything you would expect! Especially the beautiful weather!
After a pretty awesome brunch on Sunday, we strolled through a sculpture garden in downtown. It was very interesting and had a cell phone docent tour!
By the end of this convention, I was ready to engage in a way that I hadn’t before. Not only in the 2020 race for the presidency but politics in general.
One problem, I still didn’t know how and for who!
Stay tuned as I hit all the stops on the political trail this election season while discovering politics and all of its nuances!
Including snowy Iowa on February 3rd to observe caucus in real life!
Where would you go to view something first hand that interests you?
Chandra Says: Girl, Get Going!
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