After deciding to get politically involved locally, my first opportunity arose when I learned about the Florida Democratic Convention. Unsure of what exactly I was looking for, I only knew I was hoping to find some direction on a candidate to support. Now that my political awareness has been awakened, I am ready!
I found out it was going to be October 11-13th at Disney. I was determined to go to the event since it was being held in my backyard. And determined you must be.
The registration process for this thing should be called “Hope and Prayer”. Hope someone got your information and say a prayer you will be allowed inside!
Chandra Says
Next year, convention is in Milwaukee and you get to nominate the presidential candidate (per your districts vote) Here is next year’s information if you want to get a head start!
I couldn’t get ahold of any person from the Orange County Democrats to find out any information. The aesthetically pleasing Florida democratic website offered little direction on what to expect. I finally just sent in my application to Tallahassee by the deadline to register as a delegate. Whatever that means….??
It was proving difficult to get politically involved locally.
I wasn’t sure if anyone got my form or if I was a delegate until I checked in.
As a political novice, I had no idea what to expect. I met several others with the same story! This presidency activated them to do something. Many people just showed up wanting to get politically involved locally.
Then what I found was many people like myself who despite being so plugged into politics, still weren’t sure who they were supporting either! There were representatives for most of the presidential candidates at tables in the hallway of Disney’s Coronado Springs convention center.

The Many Presidential Candidate Campaigns in Attendance
- Warren and Sanders had the most bodies wearing their T-shirts.
- Marianne Williamson definitely had the prettiest table. But no one was there. Working or looking at it.
- The Yang Gang was the loudest.
- And Mayor Pete’s group was still teaching everyone how to say his name.
Still, I Have No Idea Who to Support
By now over 20 people had thrown their hat into the ring and I was just as confused as ever. I had been in love with Elizabeth Warren ever since reading her book and her creation of the CFPB. I was thrilled when Warren threw her hat back into the ring. Then more and more amazing names kept popping up. I decided to back off my support for Warren because it was so early.
As much as I love Warren, Sanders has been shouting these things from a remote location at the top of the country for YEARS. I’m inclined to give my support to his candidacy for that reason alone.
However, we have so many inspiring and motivational candidates who, in the opinion of so many, just can’t do what has to be done.
Beat Trump in the general election.
Enter, good ole’ steady Joe Biden. But my fear with him is that he isn’t going to inspire anyone to get off the couch!
Democrats can’t just rely on people’s adverse reactions to Trump to get them moving!
Florida Democratic Convention Schedule of Events
It was a weekend event going from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.
I never received any communication so I was still unsure if I would find my name on the list. I went Friday to pick up my badge and check-in.
This way, I could find out early that I have a free Saturday.
Since I was already there, I could have a great lunch at the amazing Disney Springs.

As I arrived, people were milling around, still setting up tables. Thankfully, I was registered and I was a delegate! Friday seemed to be the day for the political candidate’s groups to get their act together. Many of them seemed to be using this time to meet up and take care of business. So I went to lunch!

The only day worth attending was Saturday. It was the day full of speakers and participation in creating the democratic agenda for the upcoming year as far as I could tell.

The speakers for the day were Terry Rizzo, Jerry Demmings, Nikki Fried, and Michael Blake. Everyone was responsible for their own lunch. I found out…too late…that many campaigns were hosting a lunch probably in return for your attention as they present why you should back their candidate.

On the agenda, it looked like Sunday seemed to be more of the same thing that was happening Friday. I didn’t return for this day.
Easy Ways to Get Involved Locally in Orlando
In my opinion, the Florida Democratic Party is missing a huge opportunity for this convention to reach and train people who are ready to get politically involved locally and may not know how to get started. Currently, it is a meeting hub for the already active county democratic party groups to show off their fancy signage.

After meeting some great people at the convention, I decided I was going to get more politically involved at the local level. There were plenty of great conversations to be had with local liberals and progressives.
4 easy ways to get involved in local politics
Join an organization
First, consider joining a local political organization. I am currently involved in local politics as a member of The League of Women Voters. They host monthly luncheons that inform and educate about local Hot Topics. One of my favorite things to do with this group is to volunteer to register voters!
This event was International Peace Day in Winter Park.

Go to public events
Second, attend meetings, events, rallies, Q&A sessions. You can even stream live most government meetings now from the comfort of your own home.
I often make the effort to show up to our local representative’s public events, like this one hosted by my girl crush, Anna Eskamani.
Get Social
Third, make it easy to find out what’s going on! Get connected with the local Democratic office on Facebook. This small change has been so helpful. They have been great at communicating events going on in the area.
After learning that the local office often gets together to watch the democratic debates, I went to one.
Start Small
Finally, start with the people already around you!
I hosted a debate watch party with my NLC group. It was great to be with like-minded people who watch debates like the rest of America watches the NFL Playoffs!
I asked attendees to “Pick your Pony” with these markers on a foam board. Now we could visually see what people were thinking.
We had a good time but still could only agree on one thing: Consensus on a general candidate was still pretty far away!
Stay tuned as I begin planning to get to Iowa Caucus 2020.
What part of politics interests you?
How will you get more politically involved?
Chandra Says: Girl, Get Going!
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